L o a d i n g

Why do companies need digital transformation?

We are living in a time where things are constantly changing in a blink of an eye. We all need to be our own superheroes to keep abreast. The simplest definition of technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. In business or for an individual it is the current state of knowledge of how to integrate facets or resources to produce desired outcomes, thereby solving problems, and fulfilling needs and/or wants. It, therefore, includes technical methods, skills, processes, techniques, tools, and raw materials that a particular business uses. This calls for digital transformation as a need not a fancy topic to be only discussed on.

Digital transformation can be defined as the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how it operates and deliver value to customers.

Most African businesses do not scale because they are not digitally ready. Whether you like it or not technology is inevitable, we can only embrace it and integrate it into our systems lest continue running our businesses in binary while the world is becoming multi-dimensional.

The case for digital transformation is that , in order to be at the forefront and enjoy the benefits of technology in business, we should understand Technology components and how they link with business functions. Secondly, we need the know-how to move with fast pacing technology and anticipate future changes. Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers.

Digital transformation therefore enables an organization to better serve its principal stakeholders: customers, employees, partners and shareholders in the following areas:

  • Increased speed to market with new products and services;
  • Increased employee productivity;
  • Increased responsiveness to customer requests;
  • Gain more insight into individual customers to better anticipate and personalize products and services; and
  • Improve customer service, especially in providing more intuitive and more engaging customer experiences. Want to succeed in digital transformation?